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548 entries.
David Michel David Michel from Paso Robles, CA wrote on October 24, 2024 at 9:48 am
Great ministry, John. It was good to see you on YouTube at the Focal Point. Many seasons of life since The Trojans in '66. You were always famous to me. Blessings to you and your family.
Rob Northup Rob Northup from glendale wrote on August 4, 2024 at 8:01 pm
Hi John, Rob Northup (Steve's son). Just introducing my son to your music. As we go through your bio it makes me happy to see you have been able to continue to touch people with your music after all these years. Certainly no surprise to me as it was dinner music in the Northup house. It gives me great pleasure sharing with one more generation. Keep writing and playing. Rob
Steve Hitchcock Steve Hitchcock from Bay Area, Northern California wrote on August 2, 2024 at 7:39 am
Hi John, Your song "60 Year Old Groove popped up in my youtube feed yesterday. It's a hit for sure! I see you are coming out to the SF Bay Area in Redwood City in September. It will be great to see you again and all your friends and fans here in the Bay Area too! I love every song on your new album 60 Year Old Grove. I'm going to order some CD's and give away to friends.When I was a DJ at 17 years old I used to play your music on lur local radio station on the coast. I've been a fan of yours and Mark's since the 70's. All the best to you! Steve
Admin Reply by: John Batdorf
Thanks! It will be great to see you again.
Bruce Patton Bruce Patton from LAS VEGAS wrote on July 25, 2024 at 6:34 pm
Started UNLV summer 1970. Batdorf and Rodney were the Las Vegas contribution to great music in those days and you guys were a special pair. Not quite CSNY or Seales and Crofts, but better. Great guitar, good lyrics, and the long hair that was part of the college scene in those days. Thought you disappeared off the face of the earth by 1974. What a shame, felt like the town and music were robbed by a wizard with talents for disappearing. Just ran into you on the net while lookin' into Wesley Dean and Crazy Hearts. Best of luck today and going forward. Stay well and Keep Smilin’
Mark Nichols Mark Nichols from Leawood wrote on May 13, 2024 at 3:03 pm
Fantastic house concert in Leawood, KS at Henry and Laura’s on May 11. Great music, wonderful stories, and history, with humor and charm included. Very nice to chat with John and learn of his lifetime of experiences in music and a favorite baseball team in common. Highly recommend his music and his meaningful songwriting to all! A great evening for everyone.
Admin Reply by: John Batdorf
Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you as well and I always love sharing music with people that haven’t heard it before. I’m glad you liked it.
Gregory Stanphill Gregory Stanphill from Las Vegas wrote on May 3, 2024 at 1:49 pm
It was the early 1970s and I had a friend whose older brother put on a concert at Las Vegas High School, and I helped set it up for the Batdorf and Rodey concert after they came up with “Off the Shelf” album and I have been a lifelong fan ever since. I do not know if this was this first concert.
Admin Reply by: John Batdorf
Thanks for visiting!
Larry DeVine Larry DeVine from Harrisburg Pa wrote on August 28, 2023 at 7:52 pm
Loved your music since I got turned on to Life Is You back in the day, love the songs Ain't It Like Home, Long Way From Heaven, She Made Me Smile, but the entire album was great and have them on vinyl, but everything you and Mark Rodney have released is great, picked a few of your releases on CD along with your solo releases John, love your music!!!
Bob Godfrey Bob Godfrey from Fremoni, IN wrote on August 28, 2023 at 4:44 pm
Totally knocked me out. Followed you guys ever since.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:24 pm
Lisa Adnet wrote: The ringing guitars, the smooth,powerful voices and the relevant lyrics had me at "Oh, me and my guitar . . . " 👏✨💜
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:23 pm
Cliff Tohtz wrote: The guitar harmonies. I was 13 when I first heard it; it took my breath away then and it still does.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Bernie Horowitz wrote: Loved it the moment I heard it. Played it in store when I brought it in.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:21 pm
Ron Jones wrote: ‘ Great vocal sound and great acoustic sound. That was my first impression.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Lawrence Bullock wrote: I was assigned to review your "Off the Shelf" Lp for a radio station I worked at ( as a 17 year old) and was just buzzed over your crystal clear guitar work and your harmonies. I think I "four starred" (fours were the highest) every single song, on these little adhesive labels we placed beside the track lists.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Lawrence Bullock wrote: I was assigned to review your "Off the Shelf" Lp for a radio station I worked at ( as a 17 year old) and was just buzzed over your crystal clear guitar work and your harmonies. I think I "four starred" (fours were the highest) every single song, on these little adhesive labels we placed beside the track lists.
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:18 pm
Joe Thibodeau writes: John, I saw you guys in Downey, California in probably 1972 or 1973 at Downey community theatre. Your music and acoustic guitar work was amazing. I immediately went and bought your album. A positive music experience. Thank you!
John Batdorf John Batdorf wrote on August 28, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Thea Labella Davidson says: Also hooked after hearing Home Again on WNEW. To this day one of my favorite songs and so glad Earle Bailey plays it pretty often. Recently it came on as I pulled up to my house and I had to stay in the car to listen to the end. Such a great song 🎵
Paul Loss Paul Loss from Mooresville, NC wrote on August 28, 2023 at 11:07 am
The first time I heard a Batdorf & Rodney song was on the radio driving home from school one day. It was Home Again and I instantly fell in love with the song so I did an immediate U-turn and headed towards the record store and bought the album. 40+ years later the song is still in my rotation of favorite songs to listen to.
Michael Michael from Dayton wrote on August 28, 2023 at 10:36 am
Bought album without hearing it because two guys in The Forest record store were talking about how great it was. I bought it without ever hearing of B+R. Great album ,glad I did.
Ernie Peters Ernie Peters from Edwardsville, Il wrote on August 28, 2023 at 10:01 am
Batdorf and Rodney was a favorite duo back in the beginning singer/songwriter awareness in St. Louis. Harmonies and melodies stood out against the guitar effects (fuzz box) and hard-driving rhythms of what was to become "classic rock".
Darcy Groves Darcy Groves from Gilroy wrote on August 28, 2023 at 9:43 am
1972, Cascade, Montana (population 300+) laying on the floor of my bedroom listening to Can You See Him from my brothers room, below. Mike went to college in Dillon and a gal from LA brought him your album. You were a big influence in his music. I could hear it when he played. Thank you for the beautiful memories of my brother and your music.