Crowd Funding Is a Necessity Today
Hello all and welcome to 2025, It’s been a while since I touched base so I thought I’d catch you up on what’s happening!
First off, thanks for the decades of support starting all the way back in 1971!!! In all these years I never stopped making music in some form or another. After the B&R and Silver run, I was signed as a staff writer, starting my studio singing career, produced commercials not to mention my seven years as a TV/Movie composer gig which I loved.
Out of the blue in 2004, I was contacted by an old friend, James Lee Stanley and he wanted me to join him making an acoustic album of Stones songs which we called, All Wood And Stones. At that time, I was still actively doing TV work and figured we’d be done with the album in a month and go back to my other gig. Seven months later we released the CD and XM Radio started playing every cut and was I surprised. Soon we were being asked to go out on the road and do the record live which we did. The response was incredible. I met so many B&R fans at the shows and was inspired to start writing and recording for me as a solo artist. well 2 All Wood And Stones CDs, a Sountrax2Recovery CD, Live at XM Radio CD with Mark and 13 solo CDs/Eps later, I am back at it.
Since June, I have been writing with Michael McLean and we have come up with 10 brand new songs that we are really excited about.
With the majority of music fans streaming music, it gets harder and harder to record new music without selling CDs which was always a source of income from the past that helped finance the new music. Indie artists like myself now have to rely on Crowdfunding form fans of our music which is a challenge. One way to support if you stream your music, you can donate the cost of what you once paid for the CDs and stream in good conscience. Here’s what we get instead of when we actually sold the music. Below is an example of how little we make from streaming services.
Even having my own studio, the costs of hiring outside talent, mastering, manufacturing, distribution and promotion touring etc, the out of pocket for each project runs around 10K.If you’d like to help me avoid the Kickstarter etc platform to raise funds, you can donate here and all the money goes to the artist and we love that!!
Another way is a small monthly donation to Patreon.
Believe me, we hate asking for fan support but that’s just how it is in today’s streaming world. I only wish I had a minute portion of what was spent on the recent election. In my humble opinion, your money is more well spent on music, the gift that keeps on giving.
Thanks,John Batdorf